CD4511BE are BCD-to-7-segment latch decoder drivers constructed with CMOS logic and n-p-n bipolar transistor output devices on a single monolithic structure. These devices combine the low quiescent power dissipation and high noise immunity features of RCA CMOS with n-p-n bipolar output transistors capable of sourcing up to 25 MA. This capability allows the CD4511BE to drive LED’s and other displays directly.\
- High-output-sourcing capability…………up to 25 mA
- Input latches for BCD Code storage
- Lamp Test and Blanking capability
- 7-segment outputs blanked for BCD input codes > 1001
- 100% tested for quiescent current at 20 V
- Max. input current of 1 µA at 18 V, over full package-temperature range, 100 nA at 18 V and 25°C
- 5-V, 10-V, and 15-V parametric ratings
- Driving common-cathode LED displays
- Multiplexing with common-cathode LED displays
- Driving incandescent displays
- Driving low-voltage fluorescent displays
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